Secure Stack

Create a box where you can stack sensitive data. More info

The content will be encrypted.
Everybody with access to the box (link + password) will be able to stack information and delete existing information. You need to set up a password, it will be used (in addition to our regular key) to encrypt the data, adding a layer of security. You will access your box with a link like this :
Disclaimer: We cannot recover/read the data stored in your box. If you lose your password, the content will be lost forever.
Create Box Unlock Box

If you find a bug, a vulnerability or have a suggestion, please contact me.

Randomly Generated Key: eJDfJfArdHhREpmn5AVTTqS7zvMPAweW

TLS Fingerprint (SHA 256): be1034b147876300e643fa95090f05500715fe1e35603dede5347e501b15994d